Must be the time. The only reason I saw it was my insomnia kicked in pretty hard tonight. I had one feature pretty late too, I thought it could do better,
1 up, 8y,
1 reply
For some reason when I submit three memes at once two will feature within 2 hours while the third meme will just sit there for 4-5 hours. It's odd. It's been doing that to me lately and I'm not sure why.
2 ups, 8y
I see the same thing, I normally submit early (5:50-6:30am) two will feature in 2 hrs and the other won't feature until mid afternoon. That one from last night I posted around 5 pm and it did not feature until after 10pm. And it wasn't like there were a lot of other things featuring during that time frame. I don't get it.
7 ups, 8y
Same boat. Not gettin alotta views, I try various post times. I've slowed on my submissions.
7 ups, 8y
A lot of new flippers too, competition is getting tough. Keep memeing.
6 ups, 8y
I've noticed lulls in upvoting that seem to come and go. Keep plugging away.
Your memes are just as good as they always have been. I upvote them when I get the chance. Sometimes I don't get to them until a couple days later.
I had a meme a few days ago actually get down voted back into submission. I thought it was pretty funny, but apparently a few people didn't. Or maybe it's just all the stupid alts floating around here lately. My memes haven't been doing too well lately either, but I've just been deleting the memes that don't reach 10 or more upvotes.
Lynch, don't sweat it, I've been in dry spells a hellva lot longer than you have! You passed me up in 3 months or so? Chill out and don't worry about how they do, just make them and submit them and move on! Xoxoxox. :)