And from there I had a field day. No money ever exchanged hands, Papa Smurf was the only older authority. Where did his contemporaries go? Think Trotsky. The blue skin and distended bellies? Malnutrition so often associated with communism. Only one female in the village? How were they to get their smurfs off? You recall the typical shortages of the USSR. I personally think Vanity Smurf was handling that by himself in a black market scheme.
A friend of ours used to say nearly everything was a Communist plot. Say good morning, it was a commie plot. Did the mail run yet, commie plot. Kroger has eggs on sale, commies! As a stand up, I decided to experiment with that line. Daughter wanted to go inside because the Smurfs were on. I said they were a communist plot, like a 7 year old would understand. She got mad, and stormed into the house saying I could never prove it. Three hours later, I had five pages of parody to prove otherwise.