Great, I've been waiting for old ad week, but then thought this was the week of memes that ALL are captioned, "IT'S BANANA WEEK, MEMERS!" after the way fab, "OUCH, I STEPPED ON A LEGO" week that lasted two weeks.
Not too mention it's also '420' *wink* week for the kidz who think that saying "420" is oh so edgy and rebellious, while as a legalized cure for college sciatic glaucoma, {{M-A-R-I-J-U-A-N-A}} ((don't say it out loud, I don't wanna go to Alcatraz), pot is sooooo passe (wasn't legalization supposed to STOP cannabis smoking?
Aaaaaand, in order to combat the stereoptype that we are now a racist dictatorial war mongering former Federation of America, this is hitler week too!
Plus, beginning mid week doesn't help, since the beginning of the theme week is already half over and phewwwwww, I am lost,,,
k, Modda rant fo the day is done,,,