8 in groups at 800 yards is impressive for any rig. Are you hand loading the ammo? What gr bullet? Type? Standard barrel? What kind of glass? That is one mean M-1. You don't hear much about the 300HH anymore. I have a .325WSM that is a dead caliber. Very hard to find ammo unless you hand load. But it is a beast with hand loads. I am looking to get a 300WSM.. more ammo choices and performs almost as good as the .325 WSM. I keep good glass on all my riffles, and EOTech reflex sites on my ARs. I have also learned that unless it has an adjustable trigger, you had better drop in a Timney or some aftermarket trigger. Makes a lot of difference. I see a lot of ARs being built for 6.5 Creedmore.. bolt guns too.. I just don't get the love affair with that round. It is just average.. between a .270 and 7 mag. I shot a FN 5.7 pistol a while back.. love the concept and have always liked FN.. but this pistol is junk. Worst trigger ever... ever....and it looks like cheap plastic. The speed of the round is impressive. I just bought my daughter a new Glock 43.. Federal makes a special defense round for it ant the G26. 150gr HST (The new hydrashock). Cool thing is that with the short barrels, it is sub sonic, if you screw on a can, it whispers. Move to 124gr HST and it gives the supersonic report with a can. Kinda like the design behind the 300BO. 200gr.. sub, 180 gr, supersonic.. they are getting clever.