This is my take on this whole thing. Donald Trump doesn't care what he says and how he says it. This can come off as crass and unkind, especially these days where everyone seems to take everything out of context and personally. When Trump says he wants to deport illegals, he actually means illegals. You know, those who are here illegally. I have absolutely no problem with that. I believe everyone who immigrates here should do it legally. You cannot have a country without doesn't work that way.
Barack Obama was/is a liar. He wants open borders and to grant amnesty for all illegals. Why? More votes for the democrats. It is not constitutional.
Trump isn't racist. He isn't sexist. I believe at some point in his life he was a bit crude toward women, but what guy doesn't talk a lot of crap about women at some time in their lives? He isn't homophobic. I don't believe he is afraid of homosexuals. He isn't xenophobic. Aside from that made up word being stupid, he isn't afraid of transgendered people. Tactics from the left to discredit a man they vehemently hate.