Funny...All this happened while Trump was a Democrat and he was friends of the Clintons and donated to them 11 to 30 years ago. Then , Trump figured out he was on the wrong team. People that are private citizens and business people (Voters) are not elected officials representing the USA. If YOU support her then you support lying, you support taking money from countries that treat women like dogs, kill minorities and Christians and gays. She wants Totally open Borders and a 1 world government. her Tax plan would destroy The USA. I guess you never heard Actions speak louder than words , I could care less what a person says 11 years ago compared to what she has DONE that is so disgusting to any right minded American.And FYI Trump doesnt drink alcohol or do drugs, he is Power breathing thru his nose which you wouldn't know about. You probably dismiss the story of Hillary Calling mentally Disabled children "F***ing REE-TARDS" at an easter egg hunt on the lawn of the ARkansas Governors mansion too but it is documented. And , I am not a Troll, I am a victim of the Obama/ Clinton policies that cost me my job, my insurance , my retirement fund, and the lives of friends oversees.