A prior resource you can check is H2O's meme, found here: https://imgflip.com/i/168g11
I believe Socrates may have one out there too, and if I'm able to get a link to it, I'll link it.
Please add your own below!
Let me get started by start by saying I've barely been here for over 3 months, but that this is best online community I've ever been a part of. Sure there's trolls and hiccups along the way, but this community here does a good job of self-regulating.
I plan on leaving a link to this to my profile tagline as an easy resource for all newer members, or those who don't visit often. If someone asks about imgflip etiquette, you can just tell them "ghostofchurch has a good one in the tagline on his profile, go check it out."
First, let me say the site is about fun, and for me about the community. If points and upvotes are important to you, it will really help if you're a respected member of the community. You don't have to be on the leaderboards to be a "top user." To me, a "top user" is simply a good member of the community. Granted, in order to make the leaderboards you really have to be a good member of the community.
I'll try to point out some of the site etiquette as I've encountered it.
1. As the gentleman with the hat points out, be polite. We're all here to have fun, and who wants to bicker back and forth? No one comes out ahead in that.
2. One of the main things new users don't catch onto right away is upvoting users who comment on their memes. If someone takes the time to recognize your meme, it's a good idea to upvote that comment. Replying back also has benefits of getting you more well known. If someone says something mean, you're not obligated to upvote them.
3. When you reply to someone else's meme, or a comment on someone else's meme, it's customary to upvote the meme and/or the person's response that you're replying to. Sometimes people forget to upvote when they comment, I know I've been guilty in the past many times!
4. It's ok to disagree with someone, or for someone to politely disagree with you. As long as it's still a civil conversation I would recommend upvoting each other along the way.
5. Don't intentionally repost something that someone else has created, even a comment. If you see something you think might be front page material, encourage the original creator to submit it!
6. Don't become an imgflip troll! If you see a meme you don't like, just keep on scrolling. Leaving a nasty comment only hurts your reputation.