How do you figure poor money management skills? Since I went on disability, I make about the same as a minimum wage worker that works 40 hours a week. On second thought, I actually make more because I don't have income taxes taken out (this includes Social Security & Medicare) my big "luxury" is my cell phone. $45 a month that I use to keep connected with the world, by today's standards is not a luxury, but a necessity. I'm considered "poverty" level, but don't qualify for assistance programs because I make too much. Go figure.
Still, I manage, and at the end of the month, I may have an extra dollar or two.
Roughly half of my income goes to household expenses: rent, utilities, cellphone, no cable. Other half goes to food, automobile expenses (public transportation here is poor, cab service is worse) insurance, medical costs, and the occasional rare treat, meal at Subway. I try to do that a couple times a year.
The problem is that employers are not paying livable wages. I'm in better shape than most folks, as it's just me and my 2 cats. I pity young people today.