As a homeschooled kid, I guess I should weigh in on this..
For one thing, most homeschooled kids I know and associate with are much more open minded than most publicly schooled people I've associated with. In school, you have teachers, friends, etc pushing all their opinions down your throat. Obviously, the same happens in homeschool, but let's not try to lie to ourselves and start thinking that public schools are these bastions of free thinking and open mindedness. They aren't.
As to the subject of indoctrination, I think it happens on both sides, but I think we have many failures throughout history of mass government-controlled public education. Good intentions notwithstanding, they are huge propoganda machines.
And if parents are so dead set on forcing their views on their kids, they don't need to homeschool them to do that, and being publicly schooled probably won't prevent it.