Well most of the players get atleast a 10 yr career, these 100 million dollar multi-year contracts do seem dispraportionate to the rest of society, we pay more money, cuz the ticket prices increase, because the salaries keep increasing, a viscious circle, not to mention the endorsments alot of these players get nationally and in their local markets, yes athletic, yes talented, ego maniacal for sure, alot of them are. I grew up with a cousin that played and won the cup with The Devils (NHL), once he got his first contract with Montreal he became the biggest dick ever, nobody in the family cares to see him, nor him us. He retired after 10 yrs, now asst. coach for the Thunderbirds, still a prick. We can't keep a doctor around for 300k a year, but we live and breathe for our local teams and players. And get emotional when we lose. I'm sure a sick child would prefer a cure than an autographed jersey and a visit.