Jeez bud, I've seen some atheists out there, but you are just so Anti-Creationist. Deny it all you want, but evolution is literally Anti-Creationism. You wanna talk about evolution, you talk about Anti-Creationism. And if you would please do some research, the Bible is not unintelligent, you just find it difficult to understand. If evolution WAS 100% confirmed a fact, you would think that you would see a complete link from ape to man, but nah, you said it yourself, it doesn't exist. Now if you would also check your facts, us humans have existed for a very long time and the only variations is average height difference, age expectancy, and immune system strength. The reason for all of this is simple; tall people procreation, medical advancement, and medical advancement. I put it twice because it explained both of them. If we truly evolved from apes and you believe that, it's definitely no less a religion than Christianity. In fact I think it takes more faith to believe in some sort of magical process that changes people over time than an all-knowing and all-seeing Creator making everything. Let me explain Evolutionism in simple terms that anyone could understand.
There was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing, and suddenly there was everything which formed into a lava filled rock known as Earth. Eventually, the lava magically turned into water and some chemicals got together and there was suddenly life for no reason, and the single celled things magically became multi-cell things, and suddenly evolution happened and billions of species arose from a single cell. How did all of this happen? The conditions just HAPPENED to be just right for a massive all-creating explosion (which by the way, by definition is impossible), and Planet Earth just HAPPENED to be formed, and it just HAPPENED to be JUST far enough away from the sun to be JUST RIGHT, and the conditions just HAPPENED to be right for life to exist and the conditions just HAPPENED to be right for apes to turn to humans. That is five, universe-alteringly massive coincidences. How about Creationism?
There was nothing but heaven with the Creator. He made all of the universe with his words from nothing and He thought it good. History happened and here we are.
TL;DR Creationism perfectly explains the coincidences Evolutionism believed just happened. They turned from coincidences to miracles.