While he was in the car was in the car technically we are made of atoms that are billions of years old therfore the is billions of years old and I’m willing to bet some of those atoms were in a dog and a dog has slowed vision therfore the client was able to see the sign so your client was speeding and saw the sign case closed
technically we are made of atoms that are billions of years old therfore the is billions of years old and I’m willing to bet some of those atoms were in a dog and a dog has slowed vision therfore the client was able to see the sign so your client was speeding and saw the sign case closed
OBJECTION! After several tests, the medical professionals have concluded the the atoms in my client were as following: a rock, 86 blades of grass, a cooking knife, the lungs of a bat, a dented water bottle, a dead star, and crack cocaine.