It's been happening since telephones and pizza delivery became a thing.
And given how many addresses have been posted on it social media by the Far, nay, just the basic ol' Right because it's all of them now, not just the extreme fringe few, the math isn't exactly adding up on that front.
Even pollters who are senior citizens who simply were working at the wrong polling station in terms of the outcome as far as the cult is concerned have been outed and harassed and even threatened with their lives because of them.
For the love of Godness, if yous find that uncomfortable to deal with, how do you think they're supposed to feel when they're the ones fearing for their lives?
People want to swing their big bad manly man -sized nads like it's supposed to make them something, then they duck into the nearest corner when the lights get switched on like someone came waltzing being with a can of Raid.
Wanna punk it? Then by all means, folks, punk it. But at least have the decency and self-respect to own up to what they do and advocate and have been since 2015. A whole damn decade of this, and they ain't got the guts to stand up and say that they done did what they done did. sheesh
That's the problem with this world. No guts.