They would have figured surprise ground operations were more efficient to clear out Hamas units from hospitals if they actually didn't want to hurt people. Continuing from my argument inconveniently cut off by Imgflip's 2500 character limit. Also, I doubt what you said about Hamas putting 30000 Palestinians on gunpoint, since you would only cite biased sources. As I said, they could have used ground operations to sweep the hospital area instead of bombing the entire hospital if they didn't want to cause any civilian casualties, waste their resources, and catch them by surprise. So why would they announce a whole bombing at a hospital, guaranteeing that the whole Hamas organization would evacuate the hospital if they actually wanted to avoid collateral damage? You see, you only read about their attacks without thoroughly interpreting it. They say they are going through known, specific Hamas bases, when in fact they are just blowing up the most vulnerable places. Like I said, they would have used ground operations to clear buildings of Hamas organizations, not bombing. That is not the strategy of extremist organizations, and Hamas is not an extremist organization; rather, it is a rebellion group against Zionists. The Zionists are actually terrorists, using made-up excuses for their bombings of vulnerable places like Mosques, Schools, Hospitals, etc. Israel focuses on the safety of Palestinian citizens? Like cutting their water, food, electricity, internet, and even humanitarian aid? Don't tell me that they are offering humanitarian because its not for the Palestinian people's good. Hamas isn't some random extremist organization from the middle east, it consists of people who lost their sons, daughters, wives, mothers, or fathers from the attacks of Israel. Dude... where did you get your actual sources for these words? I do have the right to deny this, because what you are saying I can't even comprehend where you even got this from. They absolutely did not say that. They are the size of New Jersey, but they literally have the support of the United States thanks to a shriveled bag of bones we call the president. Even if Hamas was threatening genocide (Highly doubt not), they shouldn't target innocent Palestinian people.