- Ford Motor Co. is closing a plant and moving it to Mexico after just bringing it back from Mexico because of the current Administration’s plan for Increased taxes.
- Price of steel up 145%
- Lumber 126%
- Wheat up 25%
- Food index up 25%
- Cotton 35%
- Silver 38%
- Copper 50%
- Soybeans 71%
- Oil 80%
- Pipeline jobs lost.
- Wall construction jobs lost.
- 1.9 trillion in stimulus that funds the Democrat's pet projects and only paid a fraction to the people.
- 29 trillion in debt with a 4.8 trillion projected 2021 deficit before the 2 trillion dollar stimulus proposed for the new green deal.
- 9+% unemployment with millions of job openings that can’t be filled because federal unemployment assistance makes it more advantageous for people to stay home than work.
- All in the first 100 days!