Good grief, this pathetic attempt at legitimizing ID, again?
NO, complex "machines" do not require a designer.
Just because we can't explain something CURRENTLY, does not mean GOD is responsible for it.
To any primitive civilization, including ours (relatively speaking) advanced technology and advanced science can seem to have an explanation based only in theism. Its the ongoing job of science, to learn what is currently unknown, and explain these things.
What are the main things people use to explain what we currently can't explain?
- God
- Government
- Ghosts
- Space Aliens
ID has been debunked so many times that it's not even worth any specific arguments about gene transcription as it relates to ID.
Try reading this, as a general intro to critical thinking, not even scientific thinking, but skepticism in general: The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, by Carl Sagan