That's the thing. A normal troll is one thing, but when the troll is a mod, they can get away with whatever they want, unchecked. Don't know if you read through the comments,but when you start out with a veiled threat, you know you're being trolled.
I started posting on Imgur, again. Oh, I have downvote fairies show up, but, even though you don't know who they are, you can see how many downvotes you've gotten. I posted a Trump Tweet yesterday that went viral: Front page. 10,000 + upvotes. It also had over 400 downvotes. And 1100+ comments. Based on what I've seen of Imgflip, that would have been put back into submission because of the negative downvotes. To be fair, I've had posts with total negative downvotes. You can see my stuff at
Funny thing, Imgur doesn't allow nudity anymore, but you go back far enough, you'll find that wasn't always the case. But they don't get their panties in a bunch about the use of certain words that we use here. The 7 dirty words you can't say on TV? They go uncensored, unlike what Flip did above. Still, Imgur is a lot rougher to it's users, or rather Imgurites are harder on their peers.