And there I was, in the lady's room, freshing up from a difficult day of pandering and showboating when, at the exact moment I flushed, some assailant attacked the door which caused me to almost fall in! I immediately informed my attacker the stall was occupied! I guess they weren't expecting me to be so alert.
I tell you, it's not even safe at my favorite gas station bathroom!
Seems weird and yet, almost 100% true.
The Imam/council or judge or ?, decreed if a Muslim is feeling the need, for relief he may rape an infidel, or if one isn't within, say...arms reach, then a goat may be substituted. But strictly for said relief. Any other activity will be deemed blasphemous, such as a second date (or worse, love) and absolutely no marriage shall be considered (Baa-baa-baa means Not tonight. I have a headache).
This is an actual religious interpretation and/or ruling, from those wonderful folks who find all their brainwashing, propaganda and assorted IED needs at Omar's tent and vest, um, company in beautiful, downtown, Iran!
Ends soon so hurry on down and become half off!
9, huh? So you've been out of kindergarten for about four years now. Well, it does explain the infantile behavior and the kiddie typing. Doesn't explain your atrocious and abhorrent behavior. Lousy parenting would be a legitimate guess.
Words of advice, talk like that to the wrong person "irl" and the police may find your ignorant but quite dead carcass in an empty field. Not a threat. Just telling a child how bad the real world is and you ain't up for that challenge. Now, get a tissue and wipe your shots off your baby face, then go apologize to whoever takes care of you and beg their forgiveness since you are a selfish, spoiled little kid and obviously part of bigger problem than just underage participants.