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theater_turkey (75132)
Joined 2021-09-07
Theater Kid, Disney Nerd, and Farmer
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*sleeps peacefully* in fun
1 up, 2y
Me later crying about how I never have enough time to get ready:
an image title in fun
0 ups, 2y
I tried reading the first quote and didn't know where it was from and it got kinda confusing for a little bit
Me when homophobe in LGBTQ
0 ups, 2y
CHiCAGO THE MUSiCAL!!! *the theater kid is now over-joyed*
It’s honestly annoying in LGBTQ
1 up, 3y
Gay used to be more commonly known as "happy" than of how we think of it now. So whoever is happier being gay is gayer.
Clonecucks eternally btfo in starwarsmemes
0 ups, 3y
lol, we all on the same boat. have a great day everybody.