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peanutsmom59 (1978)
Joined 2019-04-23
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Marjorie Taylor Greene in politics
1 up, 4y
Thanks for the laugh, I need it from time to time!
Marjorie Taylor Greene in politics
1 up, 4y
I feel fine. I think I’ve pretty much outlined my point. But just for your information my mistake of not using the possessive form of the word it was actually due to auto correction that I unfortunately did not catch. Granted, you could have made the same mistake so my apology to you. I have no fear of apologizing when needed. The difference between us is not whether both of us pointed out each other’s grammar mistakes, the difference is that you cannot simply debate my comments in a calm, humane, adult way. You had to go for the jugular. You felt the need to resort to name calling and trying to assert your superiority, to put me in my place. Bravo! Unfortunately you didn’t win. I really don’t care. For myself I’d rather debate the important issues that effect my life and this country. As typical of people like you, it’s impossible. I’ve yet to determine whether you and people like you (it seems to be a theme of people like you who measure their self worth by their social media) behave this way because of the fear someone might change your mind, that you might be wrong or that you pride yourself on being a douche. More than likely it’s all three. It’s easy to behave in a hateful manner when you’re not talking to someone face to face. So when combining your political views with your behavior it’s very typical to expect exactly what has happened. So I’m sure you would agree that since you’re incapable of containing your immense anger toward me or people who think like me, cannot respectfully disagree with me or present facts supporting your opinion let’s just commenting. Sometimes it’s better to keep your opinions to yourself. I know you enjoy degrading, humiliating and showing you have some sort of power over others but this is all so unnecessary and I’m not indulging you any longer. Have a good life. I mean that sincerely. Peace.
Marjorie Taylor Greene in politics
1 up, 4y
Thanks for the childish compliment of calling me a square brain. If you care to debate act like an adult. Biden clearly understands he cannot change our Constitutional rights. However, dictator wanna be Trump decided to brainwash & lie to millions by honing in on their grievances & the fear of white nationalists losing their majority in this “republic” (as you like to claim it is) by dishonoring his Oath of Office to protect the Constitution, committing crimes, obstructing justice, grafting taxpayers, stacking the Federal Judiciary and on and on. It would be very funny if it wasn’t so pathetic that so many of you cult members fell for his lies. You knew before you voted for him what type of person he is, how utterly unqualified he was to be President. You knew he was a sexual predator, horrible businessman, criminal and a racist. None of that mattered to you “Patriots” as you like to think you are, all that mattered was his disdain for poor people, immigrants, Latino’s, Transgender, Blacks, and his embrace of Evangelical fake Christians & people like you who demonstrate daily how small minded you are. So tell me again exactly how Dictator Donnie limited his power since that’s your basic argument...the power of the presidency? While you’re at it give me examples of Biden or any elected Democrat who has openly tried to change the Constitution & overreach the power of their office. You claim that Biden or any Democrat for that matter doesn’t quite understand the limitations of power. Biden understands it, but he refuses to lie, cheat & steal to hold onto that power and the Democratic Party refuses to support anyone who knowingly wants to destroy DEMOCRACY & this nation.
Marjorie Taylor Greene in politics
1 up, 4y
The United States is a democracy, but it is not a true democracy. Instead, it is a representative democracy. The common forms of democracy are direct democracy and representative democracy. A direct democracy is a system of government in which the majority have their say on every matter concerning governance. Direct democracies hold referendums each time an issue has to be decided upon because there are no elective repr…
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Marjorie Taylor Greene in politics
1 up, 4y
It’s? Rube? Well I’ve been called worse. Where I’m from, where I live is immaterial to anything on here. It’s obvious that the blessing Americans received when a White Supremacist cult elected the most loathsome, nauseating pig for President is that all of them have crawled out from under the rocks they’d been hiding under for the last 60yrs. and letting there Nazi/Trump flags fly, so we know exactly who they are.