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jsebastian (22852)
Joined 2019-06-13
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The REAL America in fun
1 up, 8mo
The only nation that has the word America in it is the USA, and the only nations that have the word "American" in them, are possessions of the USA, .therefore "America" means the USA. When people say they are going to America, they don't mean Guatemala. That isn't how the word has ever been used.
This is 2022 in politics
0 ups, 1y
...he claimed without evidence.

Zero evidence that 2020 was secure or fair or legitimate. And piles of evidence that it was not.
This is 2022 in politics
0 ups, 1y
Insane comment after the left puts on riots (mob rule, mob violence) for everything they don't like or every cause they have. BLM is a good example of mob rule - planned by commies and leveraging the black tendency to loot and destroy, and now look at them doing the same thing with the pro-Terrorist rallies of Hamas supporters, just an excuse for Muslims, America haters, and Jew Haters (although those are all the same thing lol) to engage in violence and destruction.

So STFU about "mob rule" coming from the right...its a leftist thing, always has been. Sit-ins in the 70s, were all leftist. Same thing then, same thing now.
This is 2022 in politics
0 ups, 1y
The police had no right to prevent The People from entering The People's House - you do know what is what it is called, right? It belongs to citizens, not to the police, not to the elected public servants, but is in fact the property of the people of the United States aka US citizens.
This is 2022 in politics
0 ups, 1y
This is still the most idiotic comment I've ever gotten on a post. Didn't age well now that the videos have been released showing that the police instigated all of the violence and denied people their rights to petition their govt in a building that belongs to the PEOPLE.