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i_boy (34758)
Joined 2021-04-27
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Actual thing at my school in Middle-School
1 up, 5mo
By the way, he did the same to just about the entire class because it's near the end of the year during Revision. Also, the topic on the different latitude regions, I kid you not, wasn't even taught to us. It literally was not in the textbook and the geography teacher never taught us about it during the rest of the year. He even knew that but still double slapped just about the entire class. :(
Actual thing at my school in Middle-School
1 up, 5mo
Yeah today my geography teacher double slapped me across the face because I got the angle of a line of latitude off by 1 degree. ):
Evil Kermit in fun
0 ups, 6mo
Thanks man. (Sorry it took 3 years to reply I had no idea how to verify my account)