How many in the 27 EU countries have had the COVID vaccine? When it compared to the UK, it fails dismally. Three days ago 3/6/2021 . The total number of UK people who have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, 40,460, 576. The total number of UK people who have had their second one was 27, 381, 870. a total of 68,381,870. No country in the EU can come anywhere close to that number go take a look.
That's because being free from its clutches we are free to do what we have to do to save our own people. They are still dying in numbers in EU countries, last week France 529. Germany last week 817, Italy 460, Poland 415, UK JUST 59. Soon Italy will overtake the UK with the most deaths They are just 1,000 deaths away from the UK total.
So you can spin it all you want but the numbers speak for themselves.