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firehorse (2476)
Joined 2016-07-22
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At this point, what does free speech matter? in fun
1 up, 8y
sure . for now, she isn't in office yet. She doesn't like free speech. Anyone who threatens comedians making jokes about her has issues.
But That's None Of My Business in fun
1 up, 8y
Immigrants illegally in the US collectively send even more billions back to mexico each year. ask any bank tellers cashing their checks and printing up wires in orchard towns ;)
Untitled Image in fun
0 ups, 8y
ikr. like the ONE fan she has.
Pissed Off Obama in fun
0 ups, 9y
not sure why I can't respond to your last comment, but you are easily triggered. You didn't even acknowledge anything alse I said which was all true. Typical libtard.
Pissed Off Obama in fun
0 ups, 9y
perhaps you are too young to remember or maybe you did not see when Hillary was debating against Obama last round and actually was the person who first brought that up... I also remember Sarah Palin saying "if you vote for Obama, then you vote for war in Ukraine"... she must have just been a psychic, huh? lmao. or she was just crazy too? lol.
when Hillary said that on national television people went nuts... his supporters didn't believe it and now look after 8 years of shit people still want to defend the golfing pres that barely works.
I think Americans have a very short memory. and the people running things counts on how easily distracted and how bad the memory is of americans. Trey Gowdy is about to stomp Hillary's ass though. At least he is honorable. unlike Hillary supporters who just want more war, more racism, more global governance. its the reason you guys are the minority.
oh and why haven't i out thunk the thinkers? I have. People just don't want to listen. and if you watch the news on the protesters at trumps rallies (since Hillary doesn't draw a crowd and they have to go to the opposing team) you will see all kinds of triggered degenerates that have been heavily medicated since their daycare years for their ADHD or autistic whatever disorder all the 3 year olds have acquired in the last 25 years. They are all as brain damaged as Hillary.
and they are hysterical for sure, in every meaning the word has.