*He stares at you noticing your confusion*
"Right...A bit too much for you there...Alright, Well, is there some sort of big guy I could talk to maybe? You say you're an agent, whos your boss then?"
"Man, I was hoping you could tell me! One second, I’m walking around Dubai like its nobody's business, and the next—BAM!—I’m knee-deep in neon paint with a bunch of squid-kids staring at me like I just dropped out of the sky! …Which, okay, might have actually happened, now that I think about it."
"Wait, hold up! Flood? Thousands of years ago? That doesn’t make any—" *He looks around* "—okay, I guess that explains a few things... but you're telling me humans just poofed? No way, man. I was just chillin' with my crew back home like five minutes ago!" *He pulls out his phone to show an image of him next to some of his friends*
"Inkopolis? What?..." *He looks around and then notices your appearance in its fullest, primarily the "hair," pointing at it confused* "What am I? I'm a human, The question is, What are you? Why do your ears stick out like a fairy? And why does your hair...look like that? And what is an inkling? A paint brand?" *He clears his throat*