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femiwench666 (3642)
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Amber Heard Is Innocent in fun
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they still chatting about em on Twitter and theres still plenty of feminists who believe shes not an abuser
Diversity & Inclusion in fun
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There is no correct way to live but there ceratinly are ways to live that create more suffering or less options.. You want communism which doesnt work, it never has, and big business isnt capitalism - capitalism is the free market and monopolies is not the free market. Capitalism has to do with private business, family owned.. You arguments are just surface level politics but people like you want to see immediate changes loool u haven't read anything worthwhile, u just parrot the same thing as the rest of the Commies.. You speak of other family structures but the others dont work well for anyone as does the nuclear family. Just because your own was 'unhappy' doesn't mean it doesn't work the best overall. Your solipsism is showing. If you want perfection u won't find it, there is no utopia, just get used to things instead of trying tearing everything we know down, as if it will just magically become better. To get to Utopia you have to exert a tonne of control on people, and then its not a Utopia is it?

You keep virtue-signalling about the vulnerable in our society when we already spend so much on taxes helping em. Again, its just platitudes coming from your end, the same banal wishes that come from younger people.

Sorry luv but you are just full of the same tired cliches and Newspeak lingo, as all the other idealogues and my understanding of political systems are far deeper than yours, you only scratch the surface and there's a lot of reading to be done to have an actual debate, which I doubt you will do.. U have been captured by silly ideological arguments, not based in reality and all evidence is showing that things are getting worse under more Feminism/socialism.. You don't understand Fascism is one of the end results of Socialism, another being Communism. Socialism is the road to totalitarianism like I said. They already cancelling people and creating hate crimes and more controlling laws and creating ACTUAL systemic racism and sexism. You think you are oppressed, can't really debate with a British woman thinking she's oppressed, it means u believe the BS. You want more government which means less freedom. You think you know how to fix society but you too naive and just spout the exact same BS I hear time and time again talking u zombies.

U are interchangeable with the rest of em, put another idealogue in your place and they say the exact same stuff..

I suggest u listen to more Fiamengo, and Karen Straughan, Camille Paglia, Christina Hoff..
Diversity & Inclusion in fun
0 ups, 2y
As for , what would I do to beter society? I am already grateful for what we had.. it was getting better but now ideology has taken over and we well only see more suffering until it does so bad than women will then go back to rely on men. There are no Feminists in a third world country. The only way we getting out of this is by getting to the bottom and destroying the 'patriarchy' ie life as we know it, completely and this is actually true.

We have so much freedom and abundance but women and the youth are conditioned to think we need to reach this 'utopia' which we will never get to.. The West is in steep decline since Feminism/Wokeism/Communism but as Feminists destroy all of our gains, they will blame it on men and capitalism and say we need more Feminism.. What more do they want? We have everything we need, but people need family and human connections and spirituality but Feminists can only think of material goods and money.. They say they hate capitalism but all they think about is power and money - its all projection..

But yeh I can talk for years on this subject about the education sector, justice, fairness, education, relationships, employment, religion and politics but I hope u get my point. Feminism IS actual cancer, a mind virus and that makes Feminsts/Leftists malignant tumours. Leftists are the same as Nazis - they are totalitarians and theyve taken over, We are headed towards totalitarianism and idealogues and fighting FOR it, thinking they are doing a good thing but destroying everything we have unfortunately, we headed towards another dystopia, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I didnt realise myself but its all out in the open now, they aint even hiding it anymore but by the time it comes to the surface and people are starting to see it now, its embedded into the new system and its too late
Diversity & Inclusion in fun
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You can think what you want about family, but in the end it will effect you.. I feel sorry for all these leftover women in The West but its their own doing (and they make for easy shags so thats a good thing lol).. you still have naive ideas about power structures - modern woman has been programmed to think they are oppressed, like u do and its completely false.. You will find out later on in life and it will too late, ive met tonnes of girls like you who say they dont need a family, and most likely you will regret it or you will double down and teach younger women to do the same thing, like many bitter older women do nowadays..

White culture is finished,, your social experiment went wrong and Feminists have destroyed you and they trying to export their degeneracy to other cultures thinking they are helping.. Feminists are basically communist zombies/Useful idiots, programmed NPCs, Woke activists with little knowledge of how humans work.. you think you know more than thousands of years of accumulated knowledge and you think you are above Mother Nature.. The reason why women are unhappier than they were in the 50's is they think they can have it all, a family and a career and they fight against their own natures, trying to be like men.. Feminists hate femininty and hate being women, they are misogynists yet call everyone else misogynist, they are the real bigots.. You sound like the rest, youre the same, thought you might be salvageable but too much energy trying to convince a woman with no face im speaking to on a screen about deep politics.. you just another brainwashed idealogue, I was right all along, such a shame, u seemed nice, I've lost faith now after listening to you
Diversity & Inclusion in fun
0 ups, 2y
Yeh, Fiamengo is correct..and Feminism is literally communism, thats what im trying to tell u.. and i thought women wanted to work, so you can be strong and independent lol cant make women happy, they flip flop.. its family that gives women the most security but Feminists wanna banish it even though it is the basic human unit that provides stability especially for kids, but Feminists now are so selfish they care not for kids, hence why Western men are looking for more traditional women... though Western women want traditional men but dont wanna be traditional women. You using all their cult lingo too, you have been heavily conditioned to think that ideas that sound nice work. These people are marxist/socialists - they are hard left, the other side of the coin, akin to nazism but you dont mind being hard left. I think youre too far gone to be recoverable cos u think the family has little value lol you will find out in your 40's.. Kids need family to grow healthy but now its becoming single mothers or nothing. 80% of women who wanted kids missed out and now have to live 40 plus alone, wishing they hadnt wasted their 20's giving their pussies away for free.

U speak of compassionate policies which is more socialism to help others but shun the family..
Yousound like a socialist/commie but those are disastrous economic systems, its never been successful and always results in less freedom, and more tyranny. Capitalism is about the individual but socialism is about the collective and also puts power into the hands of even fewer people, while taking away all power from the individual. Collectives only work on a small scale. I suspect u dont like corporations having too much power (though they aint private cos they have shareholders) but socialism puts all the power into the hands of even fewer people whereas capitalism ie private business puts power back into the hands of the average person.

Women tend to lean towards communism which is anti-meritocratic and only views the world as a series of power grabs.. Communication is another female thing, as if we dont have enough of that, look at everything men have built - u think we had no communication doing that - its another nothing burger of a wish, what does it even mean lol more talking, more bureaucracy, less actually done, more meetings about meetings lool