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deepfried_kiwis (5879)
Joined 2024-03-29
amogus ඞා
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Type it in comments in fun
0 ups, 13h
i can instantly deep fry kiwis to the point where they somehow become as dense as osmium
2021: in fun
0 ups, 13h
sonic frontiers was actually pretty goaded though
whe i'm in a competition and my opponent is in fun
1 up, 13h
agreed, that man is a beast
Heh, I both love and hate OCD. in fun
1 up, 13h
our old ass tv goes up to like 70 though and surprisingly isn't that loud half the time

but then again everyone in my family (myself included) has hearing problems so that probably plays into it a little too.

i dunno, there's zero sensibility in my bloodline.
Burger in fun
0 ups, 13h

brother that ain't even a burger, you literally just posted a photo of the bun 🥀😭