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deepfried_kiwis (3615)
Joined 2024-03-29
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Clever work, Imgflip. I never noticed this easter egg till now in fun
0 ups, 1mo
click on the little mail icon next to your username in the top right hand corner. when it brings you to dms/"Memechat", click on the word "Memechat" and then the cat will appear :)
Just caught Thundurus, I literally feel like my soul has been aged forwards by five years from the stress in gaming
0 ups, 2mo
NOTE: Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield are REQUIRED to get the quest. If you don't have save data from either, you cannot obtain Shaymin in Legends Arceus.

It spawns in the Obsidian Fieldlands. There's a special request you get from Laventon's blackboard about giving thanks and it leads you to the Floaro Gardens area in the Fieldlands. When you're there you have a brief cutscene and then Shaymin appears. After the quest completes, you can catch Shaymin. Not too hard, thankfully.
unironically gonna be the first time i felt genuine happiness in a while in fun
0 ups, 2mo
wdym no way I actually made this dawg, you know this the type of meme I would make
Just caught Thundurus, I literally feel like my soul has been aged forwards by five years from the stress in gaming
0 ups, 2mo
infinite Shaymin + Creation Trio + Manaphy/Phione + Heatran + Regigigas + Cresselia