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atheist_human (14747)
Joined 2020-11-24
I’m an atheist and I don’t care (don’t tell my stepdad)
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Skyrim role play pog! Your character has to be a cat person, lizard person, an elf, or a human. No joke, no erp, no romance, may in Role_Play
0 ups, 2y
Hadvar: Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm.

Ralof, while Ulfric walks away: It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric.

Hadvar: Ralof of Riverwood

*Ralof goes*

Hadvar: Lokir of Rorikstead

Lokir: No! I’m not a rebel! You can’t do this!

Imperial Captain: Halt!

Lokir: You’re not gonna kill me!

Imperial Captain: Archers!

*the archers shoot Lokir to death*

Imperial Captain: Anyone else feel like running?

Hadvar: Wait! You there. Step forward.

*you step forward *

Hadvar: Who are you?

(He’s asking what your name and race is)
Skyrim role play pog! Your character has to be a cat person, lizard person, an elf, or a human. No joke, no erp, no romance, may in Role_Play
0 ups, 2y
Imperial Captain: …ok wtf
So umm… Hadvar help them (I don’t know ur ocs gender lol) up

Hadvar: *helps you up

Imperial Captain: So um… step toward the block when your name is called.
Place your bets in Undertale
0 ups, 2y
F**king Alfys tho 😂😂😂😂😂