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ZetaStarInfinite (129304)
Joined 2024-10-10
Previous username: ZetaPersei
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your legal and still choose to come on this site in MS_memer_group
0 ups, <1h
because I can :D
because I can do what I want to make you all pissy and angry
its f**king hilarious
I am allat
I'm just that guy
your legal and still choose to come on this site in MS_memer_group
0 ups, <1h
like what you say does anything
your legal and still choose to come on this site in MS_memer_group
2 ups, <1h
silver may be big bro but he speaking straight NONSENSE right now in MS_memer_group
2 ups, <1h
2 years is much different than 4 years bud