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Z-Pellet (5732)
Joined 2020-04-02
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No more recess no more games no more fun activities… in fun
0 ups, 1y
In college you literally live at school, and all free time you have is expected to be used doing homework or studying.
"I know that I'm hungry and bored, but I can't take THOSE suggestions" in fun
0 ups, 2y
That was kind of implied but yes.
"I know that I'm hungry and bored, but I can't take THOSE suggestions" in fun
0 ups, 2y
Even I can't deny fruit, and I'm allergic
remake messed up the spelling lol in fun
1 up, 3y
They mean their inner voice. I can "hear" my own thoughts because I have an inner voice. If a deaf person doesn't know what speaking sounds like, how would they have an inner voice at all?
stay 20 ft away if you actually do in fun
3 ups, 3y
It's funny reading this with light mode on. I will not change it