Gday Gday ya bloody legends, im lazarbeam and today we have found a way to play minecraft in fortnite! So stop spamming me with minecraft good, fortnite bad!
This is the pinnacle of the internet. 5 year olds getting mad because only the 33 year old streamers play fortnite now, and 33 year olds mad because there are too many 5 year olds on their servers.
One, not the correct spelling of the songs name. Two, megalovania is the songs name, not the games name. The games name is Undertale, and if you disrespect my favorite game again, Moto Moto's zombie will hunt you down.
Moto Moto isn't fast enough to evade Sans' attacks. Even with the obscene amount of health he has, Sans could dodge all of his attacks easily and return fire with bones and gaster blasters.