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Wii4a11 (13165)
Joined 2022-04-22
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RIP to all that died on 9/11 and those who fought to get the people behind it and make the Middle East a safer place in politics
0 ups, 6mo
Your shilling for a pedophilic ideology and spewing "iSrAhElL iSn'T cOmMiTtInG gEnOcIdE nOr kIlLiNg wOmEn aNd cHiLdReN!!!" IN THE LITERAL DEADLIEST GENOCIDE IN THE 21ST CENTURY and already butchered +50,000 innocents despite countless evidences says otherwise.
RIP to all that died on 9/11 and those who fought to get the people behind it and make the Middle East a safer place in politics
0 ups, 6mo
Says the one who justified entire illegal invasions and wars (Iraq & Afghanistan) over LIES, already greenlighted the genocide of +50,000 Palestinian women and children and wants to exterminate the religion of A QUARTER OF THE ENTIRE HUMAN POPULATION!

Yeah, right!
911 9/11 twin towers impact in politics
0 ups, 6mo
Ness is giving you a moral advice:

Ooo..... I bet now you'll be calling Ness a "tErRoRiSt" or a "tErRoRiSt-sYmPaThIzEr" and you'll want to see him beaten, abused or even killed for his opinion despite him being a pure and innocent child, riiiiiggggghhhhht?????
((("The Free, Peaceful and Civilized West"))) at it Again in politics
1 up, 6mo

Good riddance! Hope you are sucking Satan's cock in Hell for all of eternity now, you pathetic Islamophobic blasphemer and pedophile worshipper.