You know, if (((AmeriKKKa))) the Great Satan and world's #1 terrorist didn't orchestrate coups, assassinate world leaders, illegally invade and start over 80% of post-WW2 wars just because they aren't 1:1 carbon copy of their so-called "fReEdUmS!!!", and if (((AmeriKKKa))) the Great Satan and world's #1 terrorist didn't suck it up to a barbaric and backward 666-shaped Star of Satan ideology with stone age mentality that literally approves of sucking 0-year-old infants' bloods out of their peepees and infecting them with herpes and literally calls every single human being on the face of the Earth except them "subhumans" (even those who support this sick ideology) and is committing the literal worst genocide of the 21st century as we speak that bombed nearly 600 civilians just one week ago that included over 200+ women and children
Maybe (((AmeriKKKa))) the Great Satan and world's #1 terrorist wouldn't have earned the deserved title "the Great Satan" in the first place, don't you think?