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WandenWaffler (18926)
Joined 2023-08-25
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Another victory for Russia in History_Memes
0 ups, 12mo
k, since I don't feel like arguing anymore because its time consuming, I want to end the argument with one thing you need to take away.

Under no circumstances should your support the invasion or occupation of another country, no matter what anybody tells your, it is never for that country's good, its never to "bring democracy and freedom." That is all bullshit so a country can further their political agenda for their own gain.
Another victory for Russia in History_Memes
0 ups, 12mo
hey, It's me again.

Yes, the US did partially influence the relations between Russia and Ukraine, but that had little effect on Ukraine's decision to join the NATO pact. A really important thing to remember here is that the war started because Zelensky decided that he wanted Ukraine to join NATO so that if Russia did ever try and invade then they would have some extra protection because of the "attack against one an attack against all" policy. This in turn prompted Putin to invade the country BEFORE Ukraine had a chance to join, because if Ukraine joined and putin invaded after the signing then it would be all of Western Europe + US & Canada + misc Vs. Russia. Not exactly good odds.

I gtg, will continue soon
Another victory for Russia in History_Memes
0 ups, 12mo
12th: i never denied that russia was winning the war, i was merely stating that they are loosing so much in resources and manpower that LOOKING JUST AT THE NUMBERS, the whole "10 day operation" is a massive waste of time and power on russia's side.

13th: If you grandparents lived in Ukraine why are you supporting the country that forced them from their homes? seriously, why would you ever wish that on somebody, let alone your own family members.

14th: Based solely on your ability to write an effective argument i would wager that you're probably 12, maybe a bit older, but definitely not in highschool yet, and good for you on not using Tic-Tok (you spelled it from, its a K on the last part) but that doesn't change the fact that your regurgitating all of the same stuff iv seen on that platform.

If you'll excuse me, i have to go to lunch.

Talk more tomorrow?

WandenWaffler XoXo
Another victory for Russia in History_Memes
0 ups, 12mo
im going to respond to this starting from the end of the paragraph to the beggining.

1st: as of current Belgrod is being shelled by Russia not Ukraine

2nd: "Propaganda (noun) - information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view." The propaganda on both sides is misleading yes, but my information isnt coming from US sources exclusively, iv used US, Ukrainian, French, Russian (what little of it i could get), Video/Picture war footage, and various NATO sources. After my reading i can confidently say that much of what Russia reports as the truth, is mostly lies or half truths.

3rd: I dont hate Russia, hell i don't really care about them at all, what i care about is the fact that they are trying to invade a country.

4th: While i dont have ancestry from Russia or Ukraine, i do have 1 close friend who'es family moved from Russia to the US, and 2 friends who i met over discord who fled Ukraine about a year ago.

5th: I know the american idea of communism isn't close to the real thing, but i never said that did I? (dont put words in my mouth, it dosnt help your argument)

6th: Let me get this straight, you had grandparents living in Ukraine at the time of invasion, and you had grandparents/great-grandparents living under the USSR, and you tell me about how bad communism is, yet you still support russia despite the stories you have heard about how bad it is.

7th: YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THE GOVERNMENT IS CORRUPT AND YOU STILL, STILL USE IT AS A COUNTERPOINT! if you don't have solid evidence then don't use it to support your argument.

8th: "USA is to blame for the war." Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, the US is the reason Russia mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops to invade a neighboring country with no warning other than increased troop movement before a sudden all out attack -_-

9th: You realize that Zelenski's rise to power was actually opposed by the republican party here in the US right, that same party was in power at the time of the elections in Ukraine. If the US had any hand in his rise then our Govt. would have probably shut it down.

10th: Yes, Ukraine is bombing its own cities, but its only the evacuated ones so they avoid as many civ casualties as possible. The russians on the other hand have launched hundreds of missiles and thousands of mortar shells at population centers across ukraine.

(continued in reply cause charicer limit)
*epik Musik mp.3* in Dark_humour
0 ups, 12mo
how is this supposed to be funny?

please, give me a valid reason why killing people is funny