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SysGhost (836)
Joined 2021-04-08
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Mere drops... in gaming
0 ups, 3w
Tell me... why shouldn't nVidia patch this leak? It's only a loss for nvidia right now.
The weight of this meme is 2 cats in fun
1 up, 7mo
The chihuahua that broke the elevator:
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 1y
One is enforced. Don't comply and you will be stoned to death and beyond.
The other is a choice. Don't choose the path and you're excluded from the club. But you can live a normal life otherwise.

Guess which is which.
I'll hurt you! in politics
0 ups, 1y
Should be Vladolf Putler there.
I'll hurt you! in politics
0 ups, 1y
I'd better be joining the club then.