That is what I said, you're the guy the edits things to suit your narrative. why are you so hung up on me anyways? Who the f**k on this site, tracks what people say months and months ago? Are you projecting? You are the one using the Britsh slang all the time kid, in fact your whole " oh me and my mamá came to America broke and we struggled blah blah blah" That is most well rehearsed lines of bs I ever heard.
Again you are misquoting me to try to make me look like a liar, I said that welfare offices had agents that helped with getting SSDI information and paperwork started, that is what I said. I also said I am my Brothers Legal guardian, which he allowed me to have authority over him , during his time in rehab he admitting to not having control over his life, we went down town and I got legal guardianship and power of attorny over him. Now I take care of his finances and his legal affairs. Its aprt of a being an adult with many responsibilities. SOrry its above your paygrade to understand this.
You seem to be missing the entire point of auditing the treasury department, they are looking for all the different fraudulent claims, all the moneys given, awarded, and issued to organizations that are scamming American tax payers. I know you are on some weird kick saying I am not an American, for some reason, but I am. I am just as pissed about my money being misused as yours, your moms and dads, friends, loved ones and everyone else that been being screwed by our bloated government for God Knows how long pissing away our tax dollars. It had to come to an end.