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ShannonMcCallister (2662)
Joined 2019-02-25
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Modern-Day Holocaust in politics
0 ups, 6y
Because God makes a very easy scapegoat for the greedy and power-mad to use to make people believe their actions are morally justified. Any action can be morally justified as "right" by the person doing it depending on their perspective.

That's why my company, Redesign Your Thinking LLC, is trying to teach the society to take a harm vs help perspective rather than evil vs good. Because harm vs help are measurable in loss & gain. You can't measure good or evil, when evil can be justified by many who believe they are righteous in their harmful actions to humans if God is abused.

This is an unfortunate flaw of humans. It's what theatre playwrights explored on a public stage since 6 B.C. Only actions influence results not the moral excuses that justify the actions. If we don't change the actions then we keep repeating the harmful patterns of history. Doesn't matter where in the world it happens, Germany 1934 or America 2019. The actions are still the same.
Viva La Revolution! in politics
0 ups, 6y
There is no way to answer that question without knowing all the factors involved.
What was the power access?
What was the location hardships?
What was the communication streams?
What was the manner of cooperation? Any glitches? Any delays?
What was the environmental conditions?
What were the advantages and disadvantages of both?
What was the fear component?
What doubt was used to weaken the people?
There's no way to make a claim that any single thing caused a failure.
A failure is the result of a chain reaction of many things going wrong.
Revolutions like war is a science.
Reality Stars #realitycheck in politics
0 ups, 6y
Theatre Arts is the great-great-grandfather of political science. The conscience of humanity that keeps humans from destroying ourselves with arrogance and stupidity. Mind hacking since 6 B.C.. The Good Guys in the shadows.

The Costume Designer is the master of stereotypes trained to return the egotistical actors who get lost in their own grandeurs of fantasy back to the cold hard realities of life. They are not fashion designers or stylists.
Impeachment in politics
1 up, 6y
Violation of 18 USC 371 Conspiracy to Defraud the USA with mind hacking tricks that made Congress believe it was in a Reality Game Show of Winning would suffice the rules of impeachment. It is a federal criminal law.

Mind hacking is the "diversionary tactics that distort the reality of their victims and deflect responsibility," example Blame Projection Shifting. This is where the perpetrator of the crime can distract people of his guilt by projecting blame onto another individual. Then he can hide his own guilt while accusing others of committing the crimes he did. Effective - until you realize that FBI are mind hacking experts.

The USA is full of a lot of very smart people. Don't let the stereotypes of USA's reality shows fool you - they are just actors playing to an exaggerated stereotype while reading a script. They are illusions and not true representations of Americans.
Viva La Revolution! in politics
0 ups, 6y
I studied world history through its vanity, intimidation, greed, etc. going back to 6 B.C with a focus on world dictators/rulers. All revolutions begin in the mind. Then the actions follow. The mind is the place of hope and inspiration. Realization is a powerful thing. So is math. 99% is always greater than 1%.