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Rugbydepot (88044)
Joined 2016-01-30
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Fail Week - A Landon_the_memer event in fun
1 up, 7y
You guys know heterosexual means straight right?
Dumb questions.. in fun
1 up, 7y
This joke has the same energy as a kid asking the teacher "can I go to the bathroom?' and the teacher replying "I don't know CAN you?"
Mmmmmarinara. in fun
3 ups, 7y
This picture was taken awhile back about a mile from my house took a double take when
I saw it on here lol
The Truth in fun
3 ups, 7y
The World would be a better place without a need for them, but anything else is a statement that I hope was sarcastic.
If you're scared of ww3 it's time to wake up. in fun
2 ups, 7y
France is there for moral support XD