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Roderick (3462)
Joined 2016-03-02
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No Nike endorsement deal in fun
1 up, 7y
Don't be a criminal and commit crime and the police won't have any excuses to arrest you. Hard concept. Try it..
No Nike endorsement deal in fun
2 ups, 7y
So young and so ignorant..
No Nike endorsement deal in fun
0 ups, 7y
LadyDreerHeart.. are you a liberal arts major or social sciences professor? Would explain a lot.
No Nike endorsement deal in fun
0 ups, 7y
I find it both ironic and insulting that you use a picture of Dr King Jr.
That great man would be both disgusted and so disappointed in the state of his people today. No pride in their communities. No pride in themselves.
Everything he fought and died for you have flushed down the toilet.
No Nike endorsement deal in fun
1 up, 7y
How about black people hold themselves and their community to a higher standard? Why don't you address the facts that blacks commit 8 times the crimes of other Americans? Or that they are responsible for 51% of all murder charges.
These are FBI sourced facts btw.
Facts not feelings.