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Joined 2023-04-16
A healthy sandwich made of common sense and cheese.
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A different take on the first amendment in politics
0 ups, 1y
Your denial of easily verified reality has been noted.
You sound like an atheist. If you refuse to learn or acknowledge reality, there is nothing anyone can do for you.
A different take on the first amendment in politics
1 up, 1y
I made this meme. Maybe you didn't understand it.
Porn is evil and harmful- hurting those who use it and those who make it. It should be illegal but woke perverts defend it and want it in schools. In the meantime, the same woke perverts want it to be illegal to refer to men as men or girls as girls, which makes them not only hypocritical, but perplexingly stupid and evil.
I really shouldn't have to explain this. It's kinda obvious.
I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong in politics
2 ups, 1y
Well, shoot. I gotta do a little more homework on this.
Thanks for the note.
Are you old enough to get this? in politics
2 ups, 1y
Actually, the only reason Lorena Bobbit was a woman with a p**is is because she cut off her husband's and put it in her purse. That's the joke- because the only way a woman can have a p**is is if she physically steals one from a man. I'm not referring to insane men who claim to be women.
Maybe you're not old enough for this meme?
That makes it ok! in politics
0 ups, 1y
Yes, but it's the first thing that Leftists bring up as a justification for murdering babies, which still seems absurd. Essentially the argument is, because some men are rapists, everyone should be allowed to murder their own babies.