*Haruka winced, but smiled and nodded*
Haruka: *meekly* hai, Sensei *the genderless blonde flopped over on their desk and tried to keep their groan to a minimum level*
Haruka: Thanks. it's a real pain though, having to regulate time, spatial awareness, and situational context while your mental state isn't entirely your own *the blonde blinked and tilted their head before looking at Midoriya with a small grin* I guess I never have fully explained my quirk to you, eh?
[ahh, choices, choices. I'll do og prompt for now and probably have it bleed into the alt 1 prompt]
*Haruka Yoshido looked up from their desk, blinking large blue-grey eyes in surprise. the genderless teenager stared for a few seconds blankly, trying to catch up with what was said, before (forcing) a sheepish grin across their face. they laughed hesitantly, rubbing the back of their neck and closing their eyes*
Haruka: *awkwardly* g-gomen'nasai, Sensei. c-could you repeat the question?
*Haruka shifted back into normal, blue eyes watering and blonde hair steaming from where droplets had landed. it seemed like they would be fine, but you never truly know with Haruka*
Haruka: *whining* ittaiiiiii *they groaned in exasperation, using a cloth they pulled out of seemingly nowhere to wipe at it* m'okay, just *insert sigh here* didn't morph all the way. lost concentration *the blond looked at Midoriya sheepishly, cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment* gomenne
*Haruka smiled and nodded, taking a deep breath before morphing into Prince Zuko and walking over to the wall of ice. Haru-ko? Prince Zuka? Zuruka? took a deep breath before sending a blast of fire at the wall of ice; effectively melting it, but also sending droplets of boiling water flying off nearby. one of the drops flew off and landed in the trans-morphed "boy"'s eye, making them yelp and stop the torrent*
Haruka: ittai! *they fanned at their (now golden) eye, muttering curses (both Japanese and the ATLA universe's versions) under their breath*