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Shercock (490308)
Joined 2024-01-30
Previous username: ReichenBACK
"Oh just kill yourself.It's a lot less effort." Why is being smart academically such a laughable thing nowadays? Bored.
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Weak vs Strong Spongebob in MS_memer_group
1 up, <1h
image tagged in not funny | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
can you not
ts corny as hell
please do in MS_memer_group
0 ups, <1h
me too.
havent watched them,would want to
theres simply not a need to be aggressive towards this kid. in MS_memer_group
0 ups, <1h
you're f**king retarded
so you make an anti stream for the second biggest stream in imgflip?Yeah good luck taking this down
please do in MS_memer_group
1 up, <1h