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RebeldiXie (450)
Joined 2018-03-18
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Two Buttons in fun
1 up, 7y
This is the dichotomy for an atheist regarding how and why there is a material universe, theists have at least one extra option, God created the universe.

The reason its a problem is because "stupid physicists" seem to think they have proven the universe is not eternal, it doesn't just violate entropy but also logic, as an eternal material past means you can never traverse back to any point in time that can be considered "now", even time came into existence ex nihilo.

However a universe from nothing is also impossible, logically, philosophically and mathematically (0+0=0) so the two explanations for an atheist for the existence of the universe are falsified easily using logic, reason, math and rationale, thus making atheism impossible, leaving a universe created from an immaterial phenomenon that is omnipotent in order to create, omniscient in order to know how and what to create, omnipresent due to it being infinite in its ontology and omnibenevolent as in its maximal attributes.
Inception in fun
0 ups, 7y
I aint missing any points, "origin of God" is oxymoronic, the very definition of God, regardless as to where you get it from, defines God as eternal, any other God is not a God, not by definition.

Also, if God was created, then that would create an infinite regress of Creators creating Creators, it doesn't answer anything and is logically incoherent. There was an uncaused first cause, eternal which logically speaking would HAVE to be infinite as eternity and infinity are co-dependent. Being infinite, ontologically speaking would mean its yes, all powerful, all knowing, all good and ever present.

The point you are missing yourself is abiogenesis is impossible, we only witness biogenesis in our world. Abiogenesis is the prerequisite to evolution, at some point as you say, non life became life yet you find scientifically impossible, self refuting explanations over hard to swallow truths, such as God, and Divine Judgement.

Something from nothing cannot be demonstrated at all because there is already something. And evolution itself is pure scientific self congratulatory dogmatic nonsense, especially with it's two prerequisites, something from nothing and abiogenesis, being impossible and non demonstrable.

Lastly, the most foolish religion of all, atheism is the biggest falsehood in history. An yes, you dont need a deity to be a religion.

No doubt you'll continue to believe what you believe though even though logically speaking, you dont have a leg to stand on.
Inception in fun
0 ups, 7y
Crack, smack, weed and tobacco, all provided by the most High, bless up. Intelligence itself is one big myth to atheists, they have no origin for it, Christians do, you want a smoke?
Inception in fun
0 ups, 7y
Apparently it did according to atheists, so it logically follows their intelligence has a total sum value of nothing ?????