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The Confederate Flag is nothing more than an alternate US flag Respect it. in fun
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This is my closing comment , after this me & you should go our seperate ways. As I stated , I don't think the way the establishment does , My opinion is labeled rouge , I go against what were told to believe , I keep an open mind , and think outside the box , if I were crucial to the est. and had this mindset , they'd do away with me in no time. But that's just me , And I'm entitled to have my own opinion , as are you. I can't change your mind , and you can't change mine , so lets just put our differinces aside and call this conversation good.
The Confederate Flag is nothing more than an alternate US flag Respect it. in fun
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I'm not gonna debate with a Brain washed Sheep who's belived everything the Text books and media tells them , Your not changing my mind. The Confeds broke no laws , in fact Lincoln
(the president) was the real guilty party , the Constitution says something about a nation breaking away being legal and totally fine , Lincoln didn't want to let the South go , cause they had very usefel and valueable resources including crops and cattle. So He denied them there right to break away and become an independent nation of there own , He also said , "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that." So he was no innocent either , There were shit bags in the north and in the south , but still The Confederate flag is not racist , in fact it's about as racist as the main US flag. So have your blind opinion , be my guest , and I'll have my labeled rouge opinion , after all it's a free country still.
The Confederate Flag is nothing more than an alternate US flag Respect it. in fun
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To each there own , But When I look at it , I see a differint varient of the Betsy Ross , the Bonnie Blue , and the normal American Flag. If you say you love the American Flag , and then say you hate the Confederate flag , then that is an oxie moron.
Like The Symbol But Hate The Meaning in history
0 ups, 2y
No , It's all good...