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PursuitOfTruth44 (4381)
Joined 2015-07-27
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I'm sorry you're white and male. in fun
0 ups, 9y
I'm not saying that people aren't discriminated against. I'm all for equality. The establishment wants us divided because we can't stand up to them that way. I'm all for seeking out issues that are unequal if a better qualified person is able. At my job literally ALL of my team leaders and middle managers are female. Companies that discriminate should be exposed but thats not always the case most companies don't do this. Especially union jobs. - an article in TIME magazine that sides with me on wage gap because of poor statistical analysis. #5 out lines this.

Thank you for actually being apart of the first wave of feminism btw because you're following the dictionary definition.

Men get discriminated against with car insurance and it could be based on merit, but it's not. Don't even get me started on divorce cases. Men get screwed every single time. If Jesus had a wife and kids, even He would get screwed.

There's discrimination on both sides, but some statements are more true than others. For example, people wonder why minorities are the ones that go to prison most for nonviolent crimes. Well it has to do with socioeconomic group, past offenses etc not race studies show. It's turned in to a race war.

I'm sorry if these things have truly happened to you. I still truly think you are in the minority of women that this happens to. Women will start to move more into management once my generation starts getting older because we are an educated ambitious group mostly kind of maybe lol

btw i have been discrimated against in office jobs because I had a beard. It's a part of my biology. It shouldn't make a difference.
I'm sorry you're white and male. in fun
0 ups, 9y
The problem is the incentives and privileges had nothing to do with socioeconomic groups. Just because a certain race, gender, creed is statistically more likely to be in the lower class doesn't mean that I should have to work harder when I'm white male and was brought up by a single parent who makes less than $25,000 a year. It should be based on merit and it's not. I'm more in debt than any other group.

Also, there is no wage gap. Statistics don't lie. How you analyze statistics lie.

Stop playing the victim and do something about it.
Overly Manly Man in fun
1 up, 9y
haha thank you!! Thank you 1st amendment
Read the dictionary please... in fun
1 up, 10y
Right? Pretty much sums it up.