Stop being the victim huh? I have been discriminated by a loan officer before. Has that happened to you? My husband, with a lower credit score than mine, less credit history, etc... got approved over me for a loan.
I have been discriminated by an employer during hiring. Has that happened to you? I was told they were concerned because I recently had a child. What if the kid gets sick they asked? What if he gets in trouble at daycare and I have to leave work to come get him? Will I be reliable? These are ridiculous questions that my husband or any male is never asked. Even though the man should share in the childcare or god forbid a single dad... do they ask men these questions? Of course not.
It should be based on merit, thats the problem. We both know that women can work as hard as men in many positions, such as management. You think if a workforce is comprised of 50/50 female to male, but management is 10/90, that you think its because only those men were promoted on merit and the women just didnt work hard enough. PLEASE.
And no stats dont lie. As studies show, a minority applicant with the EXACT same qualifications as the next will be turned down for employment. Even during a BLIND TEST, meaning they didnt meet the applicants themselves. They went further and found that a white male with less credentials and experience was still hired over a minority with better ones.
How can you explain a female in the same position, at the same company, doing the same work, for the same length of time, be paid less than her male counterpart. HOW CAN YOU EXPLAIN THAT?
You sound like a smart guy. Im glad that you have worked hard for what you have, I have too. Im over $30,000 in student debt so I know how you feel. But you honestly cannot turn a blind eye can you? I mean these are real things happening to me, and other women out there, and minorities as well. Its really not fair. Thats where this whole white male privilege thing comes in. I dont want to be given better treatment then you, I just want EQUAL treatment and everything under the sun shows thats not the case.