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PostModernSnake (98423)
Joined 2021-09-03
male christian. me/mine. leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. have a nice day
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Man alone on hill at night in Christian-clean-meme
0 ups, 2h
that also makes sense
Man alone on hill at night in Christian-clean-meme
1 up, 4h
makes a lot more sense
Man alone on hill at night in Christian-clean-meme
0 ups, 8h
maybe they were referring to negative stuff like anger or annoyance
Anti furries hate furries for reasons unlike furry haters in anti-furr_vs_furr
0 ups, 1d
this seems like a fundamental misunderstanding of what an anti furry is. anti literally means against something, so most of them hate furries, some with reasons and some without. by definition, furry haters are anti furries
Man alone on hill at night in Christian-clean-meme
2 ups, 1d
idk about that one, bottling stuff up is bad