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Odysseus. (75557)
Joined 2024-07-16
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the post I made was not homophobic bruh in MS_memer_group
0 ups, <1h
did I f**king say "wahhh wahhh I hate gay people wahh wahhh!"?

No one got offended bruh. Do you see straight people get offended over the "you're gay now" joke? Well no gay person got offended from that either... other than you and that mod. I made no ill will, no hatred bruh. You guys just piss yourselves off.
the post I made was not homophobic bruh in MS_memer_group
0 ups, <1h
"Being gay is not a choice, it' mine now. And I choose to make you gay"
Have you heard of that? A lot of people post that joke and it's funny.
I just reversed it to make another joke
If you twist people's words hard enough, you piss yourself off.