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NeRDb0y100 (3874)
Joined 2016-05-05
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Untitled Image in fun
2 ups, 8y
But In and Out doesnt exist in Washingotn...
The Number of people I know who didn't go vote because she was high in the polls is astonishing. in fun
1 up, 8y
If you didn't vote, you have no right to complain about the outcome!
This Is Where I'd Put My Trophy If I Had One in fun
0 ups, 8y
I have personally never seen this. Happens.
This Is Where I'd Put My Trophy If I Had One in fun
1 up, 8y
Life... Is that something I unlock when I reach 69,420,666 Gamerscore?
I'm not kidding, they bought Fords with leather seats, heated steering wheels, wood trim, etc. What a waste! in fun
1 up, 8y
No, you don't. Cars come standard with heaters either way, so like, why is our tax money going towards that crap?