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Nataliee_yourmomishot (1760)
Joined 2024-01-09
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I wish them all a really happy life. They deserve it. in gaming
0 ups, 11mo
Yeah, I am glad! Its a nice change.
The only thing I can relate with France. in history
0 ups, 12mo
So salty and for what lmfao. Take a joke and have some fun in life! If you haven't seen, I've made fun of Britain in my other posts! clearly you didn't bother to check ;)
New Twenty One Pilots song in fun
0 ups, 1y
4 minutes after typing that. I am so sad I wont be able to listen to it right away. I hope you all enjoy it though! Please tell me your thoughts without spoiling anything! <3
New Twenty One Pilots song in fun
0 ups, 1y
9 minutes now. I am so excited. However, I can't listen to it right now. I am in school at the moment. I am going to listen to it with my parents later today. They were my first big concert. I loved it so much. It is one of my favorite memories. I saw them live in Seattle WA, USA. My mom won VIP tickets from her work. I am so excited for the whole album to drop. I have a picture of the set-list if anybody wants it. :)
It is honestly so hard to play. My fingers just lock up. in frontpage
0 ups, 1y
What do you think of the new Avatar The Last Airbender show? I think its pretty good so far. It isn't totally bad like M. Night Shyamalan's version. I love his stuff, but that wasn't the best. Especially with the "Ong" instead of "Aeng" pronunciation.